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Tax newsletter September 2015
Welcome to our monthly tax newsletter designed to keep you informed of the latest tax issues. We hope you enjoy reading the newsletter; remember, we are here to help you so please contact us if you need further information on any of the topics covered. TAX RELIEF FOR...
Workplace pensions
New requirement for employers What is automatic enrolment? Every employer with at least one member of staff now has new duties, including enrolling those who are eligible into a workplace pension scheme and contributing towards it. This is called automatic enrolment....
Scottish rate of income tax
Latest news issued from HMRC for residents living in Scotland The Scottish rate of Income Tax will come into effect from 6 April 2016. On 2 December 2015, HMRC will start to contact customers living in Scotland where records show that this is their main address, to...
Changing your business model
Whilst businesses can often easily adapt their core model in response to changing demands or events it is more challenging to know when they might need to significantly transform their original model. Changing your business model can breathe new life into your...